Saturday, May 16, 2009

Super Saison de Lente

I had The Bruery's Saison de Lente when it first came out earlier this year. I must have drank it on a bad day or with other beers because I don't really remember it. What a shame. I had another Saison de Lente tonight and this time made sure I paid attention. The beer pours a cloudy orange with moderate foam. The initial taste is spice and distinct Belgian yeast, and it finishes dry with a pleasant hop bitterness. Saison de Lente's label says the beer tastes best around 50 degrees, which makes sense because it got better as it warmed.

Saison de Lente is a great beer. It is full of flavor, but drinkable. The Bruery hit everything right with this beer, and balanced the Belgian yeast and hop finish perfectly. The label says that Saison de Lente has about a two-year shelf life, if stored properly, which means I need to pick up a few while they are still available.

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