Thursday, July 14, 2011


This morning I saw on a Greg Koch tweet (which I no longer see) a link to Travel & Leisure magazine's latest article on the best beer cities in the United States.  San Diego is ranked an unbelievable eighteenth.  It ranked below those famous beer cities Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans and Nashville.  Old stereotypes die hard, as Portland and Seattle were ranked one and three, respectively.  If T&L was going to focus on the South, why not Atlanta, which deserves inclusion for the Brick Store Pub alone.  T&L must not like bold IPAs - it's not worthy.


stonegreg said...

I actually didn't tweet about the T&L article as it seemed so absurdly put together. Valid perspectives were evenly mixed with complete lack of research and understanding of the subject matter. It's a shame such a major publication is willing print such not-even-scratching-the-surface pieces that some folks will unwittingly commit their hard travel dollars to.

The silver lining of course is that this incredible country of ours is now filled with cities that have amazing craft beer highlights sprinkled all over. Yes, some cities are more cohesive when it comes to great craft beer, and some are still emerging, but the beautiful thing is that we can look not very far into the future and say "Today is an amazing day for craft beer in America, and I KNOW tomorrow / next month / next year will be even better."



Beer Rover said...


Thanks for the clarification, not sure now where I saw the link to the article. It was absurd. I agree completely with your last paragraph.