Saturday, June 29, 2013

Crash The Bruery's Website

The Bruery is having a one-hour beer sale on its website Monday night, July 1, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm PST.  The Bruery is trying to drive traffic its website to stress-test it, as it prepares for releases of highly anticipated beers like Black Tuesday.  According The Bruery, it has had problems with its on-line store crashing during high traffic events, and with Monday's short sale The Bruery is attempting to attract a large number of visitors to see how its website performs.  Here are the special beers:

10 cases available, 2 bottle limit, $19.99

2011 Mélange #3
10 cases available, 2 bottle limit, $29.99

2012 Mélange #3
20 cases available, 4 bottle limit
Special Stress Test price: $26.99

2011 Smoking Wood
10 cases available, 2 bottle limit, $19.99

2012 Bourbon Smoking Wood
10 cases available, 2 bottle limit, $19.99

2012 White Chocolate
10 cases available, 1 bottle limit, $29.99

In checking the prices, it looks like the beers will be for sale, but not at sale prices.  I am sure the beer geeks will gobble up the beers above, but The Bruery's on-line store has other, cheaper beers that look more interesting to me, including Saison Tonnellerie, Sans Pagaie, a cherry sour, and Imperial Loakal Red.

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