Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cooking and Drinking

I like to cook, and I have found that cooking is even better when drinking a beer. A stir and a sip, a chop and a sip, very relaxing. Tonight I made soft tacos and risotto. OK, I know, not much of a food match, but it made for a busy forty-five minutes over the stove. To help me through the risotto's frequent stirring and the preparation of the tacos' various ingredients, I had my 2008 beer of the year, Stone's Vertical Epic 08.08.08, which I unexpectedly found at a market yesterday. Again, not much of a match for the food I was preparing, but excellent all the same. The economy is requiring more home-cooked meals, but I am not yet at the point where I am going to scrimp on my beer selection.

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