Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

The Laker's won, barbecued some New York Strips and sausages and had a Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake, all in all a dang good father's day. I had a Union Jack cooking dinner. The beer is excellent. I wish it came in a bomber. You can see from the picture that it is dwarfed by the imperial pint glass. Twelve ounces is not enough.

For the Laker's game I enjoyed a Lost Abbey Inferno. This beer is great. I am not sure why it is called Inferno, though.

It has distinct flavors, but is an overall mellow beer. It is true to its Belgian heritage. With a name like Inferno, I would be expecting something on the order of Lost Abbey's Judgment Day. I am trying to think of other Biblical-reference names that would be appropriate: Eternity, Epiphany, Revelation or Salvation. I don't know, just some thoughts. I'd like to see Lost Abbey brew a wild hopped up Belgian and call it Apostasy.

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